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Working with our Schools

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Collaboration within our community is key. John Paul recognizes that the relationships between township government and the school district is vital. As a School Board Trustee for the past six years, John Paul understands the intricacies of the Waterford Schools and the important role our schools play not only in educating Waterford children, but also providing social-emotional support for children. The Waterford School District is the largest employer in the township (100 million dollar budget) and serves nearly 9,000 students. A strong relationship between the Waterford School District and Waterford Township government cannot be underestimated, John Paul’s relationship with the Waterford schools would be beneficial to the greater community and families. John Paul would push for more collaboration between the two entities and the creation of more shared programs that would benefit the Waterford Community. During the era of COVID-19, John Paul was at the forefront of providing food distribution to children through the Waterford School District.

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